Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day One

It's hard to believe but we are settling down for sleep here after a very busy day. The morning was spent in mentor orientation and after a delicious lunch, we did the last preparations and somewhere between 2 and 4 all the participants arrived. Moving in, small groups and then worship. Crafts, games and everyone settling down to sleep. The participants have all settled in and the mentors were sent off. Now the rest of us are getting ready to sleep in various strange places. My bed is a couch in our nursery with Bonita in the cry room and Shellie on the other side of the orange slide. We will see how this goes.

It is very hot here and the AC in the church is working overtime. We are pretty comfortable but we keep telling the kids to drink water. Tomorrow after church and our commissioning service we are supposed to spend some time in a park. Its a good thing there are water games planned.

No pictures tonight - sorry. I'm too tired to figure that all out. So if you want to see pictures, check out Ron Hosmar's blog. He's busy at it right now. We are off to a great start. More tomorrow! CArol

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