Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Mentors Are Coming, The Mentors Are Coming!

Many of the mentors at this SERVE are coming from Ottawa. They left yesterday to drive here. Their fearless leader is Ron Hosmar, the youth pastor at Calvin CRC in Ottawa and the coordinator for the Special Needs SERVE s for three years in Ottawa. As someone said to me this week, "He is a committed blogger." And you can follow their progress on his blog. http://www.ronhosmar.blogspot.com/

I just realized that there may need to be an explanation of some terms.
Participants are the young people that are coming to SERVE. They usually have some sort of special need that has kept them from participating in a regular SERVE experience.
Mentors are the young people who have volunteered to come and to walk along side our participants for the week of SERVE. They are with their assigned participant for 24/7 during this time. With out them, there would be no Special Needs SERVE!

More to come tomorrow. Carol

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