Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Yesterday was too too hot.

We are having record setting high temperatures this week and it has made a few of out activities difficult. The SERVErs went to three worksites yesterday - cleaning up litter in the downtown with Winnipeg BIZ, sorting clothes and other things at the Bible for Missions Thrift Store (or as one participant said, "My grandma's work." The last group went to Park Manor Senior's Home and played games, sang songs and brightened the day of the residents.

In the afternoon we had an extremely hot ride on The Prairie Dog Central - a train that is very old. The car we were in was built in 1911. Obviously no air conditioning. When we planned this in January, it sounded like a lot of fun. It didn't turn out quite like we planned but it will be a good memory and we really appreciated the AC at church when we returned.

The kids FINALLY got showers after that at the Cornerstone Apartments. (Note to next planning team - SHOWERS ON SUNDAY TOO!) Several families from our church live there and offered their homes to our SERVErs for showers. Greatly appreciated.

After another delicious dinner - taco salad, we met for worship. Shellie led the team on another shoulder or toe or something of the Amazing Race. Peace is a Status. We are so thankful for the fun and wisdom she shares with us everything evening. She is the queen of the object lesson!

Today, the news says we are going to break the old record for high temps but 3 degrees! That is 3 degrees Celecius! The work site this morning were warm and two were outside. One group was with the Winnpeg BIZ again and another group planted plants at the Indian Family Centre. They were warm but were troopers and got the job done. The other group were the lucky ones who were at Winnipeg Harvest- our local food bank. It was air conditioned.

We came back to church for a delicious lunch of pizza. Our cooks are amazing - everyday we have these delicious smells coming from the kitchen. And we are served lunch and supper by smiling women. We really appreciate the work they and the men in the morning are doing.

Now everyone is back from showers and getting ready to bowl. We changed from mini-golf to bowling because of the heat and everyone is excited for GLOWING IN THE DARK!

We are so thankful that everyone has survived the times outside with very few headaches or any heat issues. The church is comfortable and every one seems to be sleeping well. Thanks for your prayers!

If you really want to see pictures and there are hundreds!!! Check out Ron Hosmar's blog. He is the camera guy and takes much better pictures than I do. He is the youth pastor from Ottawa and we are so enjoying the kids be brought to be our mentors. You can also read some of the thought of the kids on the experience there too. http://www.ronhosmar.blogspot.com/

Have to run now. The troops are ready to go! Carol

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